Monday, May 21, 2007

China's Bobo

Bobo is often used in place of the word yuppie, which has usually negative connotations.

Often of the corporate upper-middle to upper class, they rarely oppose mainstream society, claim highly tolerant views of others, buy lots of expensive and exotic items, and believe American society to be meritocratic.

The term BoBo, short for bourgeois Bohemian, has caught on in China since David Brooks's book "BoBos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There" was translated into Chinese and published in separate editions in Taiwan and China.
.In cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the word is on everyone's lips — especially young executives and other members of the nouveau riche, known in Chinese as "xiaozi" or "petit bourgeoisie" — a group that was once a target of ideological campaigns.

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