Monday, May 28, 2007

Using Mirrors or Screens

Too large a doorway will allow Chi to escape from your home. If this is a problem for you it can be easily counteracted by placing a wind chime outside the door. This will also discourage Sha (negative energy) from entering your home. Too small a doorway will not allow enough Chi to enter the home, but placing a mirror on either side of the door or on a wall opposite the door will help to fix the problem.

If the back door can be seen from the front door, Chi can flow straight through your home without circulating. Placing a large potted plant or a screen in between the two will break up the straight lines and help to deflect Chi.

For more information visit:'s%20feng-shui.htm

1 comment:

markopolo said...

hey man nice idea, in my hometown is about 38'c at night in summer.

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