Name: Michael Wang
Age: 25
Number of Siblings: 0
City/Province: Canton, ZhuHai
Marital Status: Single
Social Class: Middle
Years in N.Z: 4 .5 years
Been back to china often, recently: 2 times 2004,2006
N.Z Accommodation: House
Accommodation in china: Apartment
If apartments/high rise: what level? 4
Name: Kevin Ren
Age: 24
Number of Siblings: 0
City/Province: Canton
Marital Status: Single
Social Class: Middle class
Years in N.Z: 4
Been back to china often, recently: every year
N.Z Accommodation: Apartment
If apartments/hostels: what level? 2nd
Accommodation in china: Apartment
If apartments/high rise: what level? 19th
Name: Marko Shi
Age: 24
Number of Sibling(s): 1
City/Province: ShenZhen
Marital Status: Single
Social Class: middle class
Years in N.Z: 6
Been back to china often, recently: every year
N.Z Accommodation: House
Accommodation in china: Apartment
If apartments/high rise: what level? 3
Name: Kent Gao
Age: 31
Number of Siblings: 1
City/Province: SunDe
Marital Status: Married
Social Class: lower middle class
Years in N.Z: 4.5years
Been back to china often, recently: 2007
N.Z Accommodation: House
Accommodation in china: Apartment
If apartments/high rise: what level? 4
Name: Kailin Huang
Age: 22
Number of Siblings: 0
City/Province: ShiChuan, ChengDu
Marital Status: Single
Social Class: Middle Class
Years in N.Z: 4.5years
Been back to china often, recently: 3 times
N.Z Accommodation: House
Accommodation in china: Apartment
If apartments/high rise: what level? 4 and 6 (2 apartments)
- N.Z has great views – green, garden everywhere, park everywhere, we have gardens in china but not very good.
- N.Z Air is clean, not polluted like Guangzhou, you can't see the sky.
- You can see stars in china but not as clear as New Zealand.
- Most people likes nature rather than man made buildings.
- Interior walls are mostly white.
- Windows are generally closed, because it gets really dusty.
- Most apartment are not open planned.
- Most curtains and blinds are closed because neighbouring apartments are too close; no privacy, no view and for security reasons.
- Usually 3 people live in a apartment.
- Good views from apartment are expensive.
- Having a beautiful scenery can help them relax, feel more comfortable; or more of a lifestyle than just living.
Hi Alex, some good stuff on this blog. looking forward to seeing the presentation.
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